There are various reasons to integrate a robot in your plant. However, there’s usually a main KPI that you want to work on. In the next video, Marc-Antoine Lacasse, Application Expert at Robotiq, presents the main Key Performance Indicators for palletizing cell and explains how to choose your first target cell.

Read this blog below on describing what factors will affect your deployment when you are designing a robot palletizing cell. 

 9 Factors That Will Affect Your Cobot Palletizing Deployment


Lean Robotics is a methodology that can be used to simplify your robotic cell deployment. Going through the Prepare, Design, Integrate and Operate Phases, this methodology is a systematic way to complete a robotic cell deployment cycle in a timely and efficient manner. In this lesson, David Rochette, technical trainer at Robotiq, explains multiple reasons to automate, different key performance indicators (KPIs) and how to track them, and how to identify the right cell to automate via the Value vs. Complexity graph.

 Download the Value vs. Complexity graph

Last modified: Wednesday, 18 November 2020, 1:11 PM